“Community is the fruit of our capacity to make the interests of others more important than our own.” — Henri Nouwen
And, we might add, real community is FUN. That’s why we created the Refuge Coffee Run:
- To remind us all that putting others first is fun.
- To call attention to the beauty that ensues when we welcome everyone.
- To support our mission of employment and job training, a mission that helps our community of displaced people from all over the world find their place among us.

So, we have to ask: Where else but in Clarkston, Georgia…
Can you run a 5k AND smile while doing it?
Can you sign up for a race that also signs you up to give a hearty W E L C O M E to refugees here in the U.S. and offer them a living wage job, job training and mentorship?
Can you make that W E L C O M E game stronger than ever by running the streets of the most diverse square mile in our nation alongside our refugee neighbors (who, by the way, may very well be faster than you)?
So, will you run with us?
If you think you’d smile wider if you volunteered that day instead of running, click here.
Come on, it’ll be fun!