To our African American neighbors:
Because true welcome includes sitting at the table of sorrow with friends and neighbors…
We stand with you.
We ache with you.
We are for you.
We commit to thinking deeply
To admitting wrongs,
Admitting them again
And again.
We will make space for honest conversations.
And we will do our best to elevate justice.

“By accepting responsibility, we accept the need to change.”
~ from the Brotherhood of St. Moses the Black
What does that look like this week at the tables at Refuge? at Refuge?
It looks like making space to process.
Listening to our team,
All 21 of us, representing a beautiful variety of skin colors,
It means lamenting together.
Giving space for everyone to speak and process in a safe place.
Mining the trauma and admitting our place in it.
Affirming that we take injustice personally,
And accepting the wisdom we have to offer each other.
It looks like resisting the entrepreneurial urge to map out a detailed plan.
It will look like action, too, but for now, it looks like listening.